Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 12 Service Canceled

Out of an abundance of caution, we've decided to cancel worship services on Sunday, January 12, and to postpone the discussion regarding the church's reconstruction. The discussion is now scheduled to happen on Sunday January 26 at 1:00 following worship that morning. 

This message will also be sent by telephone and email. If you are concerned that someone may not hear about the cancellation/postponement, please contact that person directly. We hate to cancel scheduled activities in case someone makes the effort only to find doors closed! However, in some situations, cancellations seem necessary. If you need pastoral support during this time, please let us know.

We hope you will stay safe, warm, and join us at Walnut Presbyterian next Sunday for our 3rd Sunday worship and fellowship with that congregation.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina awards Marshall Presbyterian Church Emergency and Disaster Response Grant

We are grateful to the The Presbyterian Outlook for sharing our wonderful news: We have been awarded an Emergency and Disaster Response Fund Grant of $25,000.00 from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC) for the project entitled “Recreating Marshall Presbyterian.” Words cannot express how deeply we feel the love of this community through this difficult time, and the Community Foundation's response to our request was swift and kind. They truly do amazing work for our region.

According to the Rev. Merri Alexander, the congregation’s transitional pastor, “This wonderful grant from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina serves as a leadership grant that enables the Marshall Presbyterian Church to take our first steps toward bringing this iconic 1950s building into the 21century. The congregation plans to renovate the building’s interior with an eye to the church’s future ministry and expanded community service. We certainly look forward to being able to worship in our renovated sanctuary in 2025. And as all new plumbing is installed throughout the building, we intend to add accessible rest rooms, provide two showers for those in need, and install all new kitchen equipment. We are looking forward to the time when the fellowship hall will again serve our community as a valuable meeting space and the downstairs rooms will serve the community’s need for some additional office space lost in the flood. And, in December 2025, we hope to invite the whole community to fill the sanctuary again for Steve Davidowski’s Annual Community Christmas Concert. This generous grant from The Community Foundation is a major gift that sets us well on the road to recovery.” Alexander said.

To learn more, visit The Presbyterian Outlook.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Update from Neighbors In Need

We were excited to receive the following update from Neighbors in Need!

"Marshall Presbyterian Church has hosted Neighbors In Need food pantry and crisis center since the early 1980s but took on over 14 feet of water during the recent flooding. This unfortunately resulted in the loss of all of our appliances, food pantry, office supplies and operating space. We will no longer provide a food pantry as Beacon of Hope and others are doing an exceptional job responding to food needs throughout the county. However, as the only non-government entity helping with winter heating needs, the board of NIN remains committed to going forward by providing crisis heating assistance to our Madison County neighbors in need from the 1st Tuesday in December 2024 through the last Tuesday in March 2025, if our funds allow. Utility assistance will be considered year round on a case by case basis. 

"With many families displaced by the recent flood, we anticipate that we will be presented with a greater than usual number of calls for assistance. In order that as many Madison County residents as possible have the option of crisis assistance for heating needs this winter, we will only be able to help with heating for people who have NOT been approved to receive government heating funds. Madison County DSS will provide a formal ‘Denial of Application’ letter which you will be required to bring with you to your interview before NIN can issue any heating help. 

"Neighbors In Need will begin interviews for heating assistance for those heads-of-households who are 60 years and older on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 in Room 114 at Madison County A-B Tech from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm and open up possible assistance to all ages on Tuesday, January 07, 2025NIN is most grateful to Madison County A-B Tech for very kindly providing space so that we can continue to serve those in the greatest need in a warm and comfortable environment. We will be closed on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, 2024 and New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, December 31, 2024 and any Tuesday that Madison County schools are closed for inclement weather but will be available in Room 114 all other Tuesdays between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. 

"The board of Neighbors In Need truly appreciates each and every dollar donated and will be extremely appreciative of any support that you, the reader, feel led to give during these uncertain times. Checks may be mailed to: 

Neighbors In Need 

PO Box 64 

Marshall, NC 28753 

"A bit of good news! With many, many thanks to Steve Davidowski and Friends, the annual Neighbors In Need Christmas benefit concert will return for its 16th year! Mars Hill Baptist Church has graciously offered the use of their sanctuary and will host the concert on Thursday evening, December 19 at 7:00 pm. (A ‘Santa’s Hat’ will be passed for donations to NIN during the evening but feel free to mail a token of your appreciation and support at any time to the address above!) If you have attended in the past, you know what a musical treat Steve serves up and if you haven’t had the opportunity in the past, please join us for a wonderful time celebrating the season and offering hope to many who need it most! 

Thank you, 

The board and volunteers of Neighbors In Need"

Monday, November 11, 2024

Gratitude Amidst Devastation

Video by Perry Alexander; drone flood footage provided by Devin Hutch (DevinHutch TikTok) 

Our town and our church building were flooded following Hurricane Helene in the geologic event that devastated much of Western North Carolina, as well as parts of Georgia, South Carolina, SW Virginia and East Tennessee. It's impossible to fathom the extent of the damage to our community, and as we prepare for the cold winter to come we wanted to think back across these past weeks. 

Perhaps surprisingly, one of the first emotions to surface through the murky emotional tides is that of gratitude. Not gratitude for the waters made toxic by plastic manufacturing and septic waste upstream, not for the loss of dear lives, of rich biodiverse communities along the river, not for the loss of homes and businesses and beloved trees---all of which we mourn deeply. But gratitude for the community that has drawn us even closer together, the thousands who have come to volunteer, the many who have reached out to us by phone and email and Facebook messenger to ask one simple question: What can I do to help? 

These times bring out the best of us as well as, sometimes, the worst. Right now we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the many blessings that we have received. We didn't do as good a job as we would have wished to in keeping track of names and contact information from many who have come to help; please know that you are deeply appreciated, and loved. Please come back to visit us in the future, where we hope to find a brighter future together. Marshall Presbyterian Church will never be the church it was before the flood, nor should it be. We were all changed by this event. We hope that continued growth through the Divine Spirit of Love will bring us into a better, brighter future. Please know that you are all invited, no matter what you may have been hurt by churches in the past. Our doors are open, and will continue to be open, to all.