Hello Friends-
Some of us are still Worshipping in the Sanctuary, dress casual (the A/C still has issues), wear masks and socially distance.
Some of us prefer to Worship from home, the Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86016159653?pwd=UzVTdmZmS0ZUaDNEa0lXVVFRZGJLdz09
Dress however you want, no mask needed and you will definitely be socially distanced!
The bulletin in the next post will be helpful to follow along as you join in Worship.
Gentle Faith: We will only have in-person class this week due to technical difficulties on my part. We will add another table, wear masks, socially distance and do our best. We will wrap up chapter 4 of the Dialogues on Race book (pertaining to Indigenous peoples), watch the dvd again, and as a group do a "bridge-building" exercise.
God's blessings,